Bullets Christmas Gift Package

If you have been following my blog for sometime, you will remember a review/giveaway that I did for Dog Pack Snacks. They offer healthy treats for your furry loved one.
Bullet received a package in the mail from them the other day with this note:
Not only do they offer great tasting (and healthy I might add) treats for Fido, they also are amazingly sweet!!! Bullet was really excited to recieve his own package in the mail haha, he was more like FLIPPING OUT.  Usually when I come home from the store he looks at me to see if I got him anything. If I did, I say, Bullet I got you a present. He gets all excited and jumps around. He knows the word present. So when the package came, addressed to him I might add, I said to him "Bullet you got a present in the mail you got a package". He came FLYING into the dining room all excited, wish I had a video of that. I opened the box with Bullet at my feet, practically nipping at my toes he was so excited. This is what was inside:

Two bags of snacks and a toy for Bullet! The toy quickly became his new friend, we even had to sleep with it in the bed with us that night hahaha.

As you can see in the next picture, this little guy was sleeping with us in the bed no matter what!

Haha, he was even guarding it from everything. Luckily, my husband was away at work that night, so he didn't mind getting replaced by a dinosaur that night. If you are thinking of buying your little furry one some healthy treats for the holiday, I recommend Dog Pack Snacks and so does Bullet.

Thank you Dog Pack Snacks, we love you!!!

Hugs ~N~ chihuahua kisses,
<3 Bullet

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