Lazy Days!

Some times we have lazy days around here, and they are some of my favorite days. I like hanging around and cuddling my fur babies, they are snuggly and they don't judge me :) I made pancakes today for me and Bails for lunch, well she didn't have a lot, but she had a little and loved it! She was so excited when I was making them that she was goobering all over the place! She cracks me up.

I hope you guys are having a fun weekend too, even if it's just a relaxing lazy kind of time. I realized that I haven't posted many pics lately since I've been doing videos, so I wanted to get one up and let you know what we've been up to! Hubby is at work, so we are hanging around and watching TV. Enjoy your Saturday!

Hugs N mastiff kisses,

Bailey & Colleen

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