Empowered Learning

Learning disabilities and neurologically-based processing problems and we are starting to learn more and more 

about them as the years go on. The most common learning disabilities are dyslexia, ADHD,Dyscalculia, 

Dysgraphia, and Processing Deficits, but there are many others that are not as common. According to PBS

“Close to half of the secondary students currently identified as learning disabled are more than three grade levels 

behind in essential academic skills. And it’s widespread. Roughly 2.4 million students — that’s more than the 

entire population of Houston, Texas — are known to strugglewith it.” 

So, what types of learning disabilities are there and what can we do about them? Keep reading to find out 


Auditory Processing Disorder

Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) is also known as Central Auditory Processing Disorder. People with APD do 

not recognize differences between sounds in words. They can find it difficult to tell where sounds are coming from

and have trouble blocking out background noise. An interesting fact about APD is that people with Auditory 

Processing Disorder can have completely normal hearing and when that happens, it is just a 

problem with the understanding aspect/their brain.


Dyscalculia is a pretty common learning disability. Individuals that have this have a hard time understanding 

numbers and learning math facts. They also may have poor comprehension of math symbols, and may 

struggle with memorizing numbers, and telling time.


Fine motor skills and handwriting comes into play with this learning disabilities. Some signs may be 

illegible printing and/or cursive writing, mixtures of print and cursive, upper and lowercase, irregular sized writing, 

etc., inconsistent spacing between words and letters, has difficulty thinking and writing at the same 

time, has an unusual grip on a pencil, and exhibits strange wrist, body, and paper position.


Dyslexia, or Language-Based Learning Disability is a more commonly known learning disability compared to 

some of the others. This disability affects reading and language-based processing skills. It can affect 

reading fluency, decoding, reading comprehension, writing, spelling, and more.

Language Processing Disorder

Language Processing Disorder is a specific type of Auditory Processing Disorder. This type of disorder 

makes it difficult to sound groups that form words, sentences, and stories.

Non-Verbal Learning Disabilities

Non-Verbal Learning Disabilities commonly comes by NLD, or NVLD. It is a disorder characterized by a 

significant discrepancy between higher verbal skills and weaker motor, visual-spatial, and social skills.

Visual Perceptual/Visual Motor Deficit

This disorder affects the understanding of information that a person sees, or the ability to draw or copy. A 

characteristic seen in people with learning disabilities such as Dysgraphia or Non-verbal LD, it can result in 

missing subtle differences in shapes or printed letters, losing place frequently, struggles with cutting, 

holding pencil too tightly, or poor eye/hand coordination.


Most everyone knows about ADHD. It is a disorder that makes an individual have trouble staying focused 

and paying attention. One fact that is not commonly known is that it can also be difficult to control behavior with A

DHD, which is why hyperactivity is another common symptom. ADHD is not always perceived as a 

learning disability, but research shows that about 30-50 percent of individuals with ADHD also have a 

learning disability. Combined, learning is extremely challenging, but not impossible.


Muscle control difficulty is the major symptom when it comes to Dyspraxia. This can cause problems with 

movement and coordination, language and speech, and can affect learning, as well. It is also commonly 

associated with dyslexia, dyscalculia, and/or ADHD.


Memory is huge when it comes to learning disabilities and everyday life, as well. There are three types of 

memory that are important when it comes to learning: working memory, short-term memory, and long-term 

memory. All three of these are used in the processing of both verbal and non-verbal information.

According to Empowered Learning Transformation Centers, “Research and developments in neurology over the

last 30 years have shown that the brain is not static and can be rewired (neuroplasticity). This has 

validated the ELTC approach of effectively “rewiring” the brain by increasing and strengthening the neural 

pathways, which has a positive effect on an individual’s ability to learn.” Success for a student with learning 

disabilities requires a focus on individual achievement, progress, and learning, and that is what Empowered 

Learning Transformation Centers offers to their students. Led by Co-Founders Peter Riddle and Dr. Richard A. 

Reutter, The Empowered Learning Program is being used in three Empowered Learning Transformation Centers 

and has a 90+% success rate, which is validated by pre- and post-program testing over the span of 

fifteen years. “The Empowered Learning™ Program is an exclusive combination of “outside-the-box” 

educational and medical technologies that works on the brain’s processing abilities, directly affecting 

underdeveloped cognitive, visual and sensory-motor functions and literally changing the brain physically as it

eliminates barriers to learning.”

President and Co-Founder, Peter Riddle is a recognized expert in the self-development field, parental 

involvement in children’s learning, and strategies that facilitate learning where traditional classroom methods 

have failed.

For more information you can also follow on their social media pages:


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