Growing A Two-Way Loving Relationship With Your Dog

adorable, animal, beautiful
Source: Your relationship with the dog needs to work for both parties

As a pet loving dog owner, providing your pup with everything it needs for a happy existence is naturally at the top of your agenda. However, it’s equally important to remember that love is a two-way street. Therefore, taking your needs into account is crucial if you’re ever going to establish that sense of balance.
Focus on these four ideas, and you’ll be sure to reap those long-term rewards.
#1. Prioritise the dog’s health
Nothing is more important than your dog's health, which is why you must pay special attention to this factor from the off.   
Nutrition lies at the heart of promoting a healthy dog. Meanwhile, going the extra mile to encourage healthy joints should be a priority too. After all, your pet needs good mobility to explore its surroundings and interact with the world.   
It’s equally important to promote mental development through games that make the dog work for its food. When you successfully celebrate your dog’s health from all directions, you won’t go far wrong.
#2. Establish boundaries
While it’s great for dogs to boast energy, you shouldn’t ignore the need to establish positive behaviour. Rewarding a good dog is easy, but building those boundaries is the real challenge.
This is especially true at home, as some areas may be off limits. You cannot take risks when your dining room is kitted out with Palazzo Collezioni collections or the office has wires and paperwork. While locking the doors is a positive step, actively teaching the dog not to enter is key.
On a separate note, when going for walks, the dog needs to respect you. This experience should be as enjoyable for you as it is for the dog. Simple.
#3. Encourage positive relationships
There’s nothing more embarrassing than when your dog is a nuisance during meetings with friends, family, and work colleagues. Preventing this problem is essential for your ongoing happiness.
Obedience training can certainly help. Meanwhile, you can look to the Care guide on introducing the pup to new people and other animals. When those initial interactions with others are of a positive ilk, you’ll be far happier too.
Apart from anything else, this prevents the threat of problematic situations such as biting and other poor behaviour.
#4. Stay consistent
Dogs do need a little variety in life, such as exploring new places. However, consistency is the key to ensuring that both the pup and owner remain happy. Knowing what to expect is crucial.
Not sticking to rules can be confusing for the dog, leading to mayhem. Doggy treats and new surroundings are still fine, but do try to couple those with their favourites. While you don’t need to live a regimented life, being consistent with exercise, food, and other key features is key.   

When the dog embraces a positive routine, there’s no doubt that it’ll be better for the pup as well as you. Besides, when you have control over this part of your life, finding it in other areas should be easy too.

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