Minimalism Is All About Accessibility

In the words of Richard Wollheim, the British philosopher who first described the minimalist movement as a community of artists
and professionals united by their desire to produce minimal content, minimalism creates a universe in which less is more.
But when Wollheim first talked about minimalism, it was 1965. Skip 53 years later, and the definition needs to be enhanced to fit
new requirements. Minimalism is not just about a limited and sophisticated display for the sake of aesthetics. Minimalism can
nowadays fulfill a function that it didn’t recognize before: When applied to your home decor, it can encourage and facilitate
accessibility. Indeed, the preferred choices for a minimalist home interior have in common features that can dramatically
improve your lifestyle if you’re a wheelchair user. Did Richard Wollheim predict that minimalism would one day be the answer to
maintaining an independent lifestyle for people with reduced mobility? Unfortunately, he didn’t. But his focus was primarily on
minimalism as an art form, instead of a way of life – needless to say, that the economic situation was very different when he first
coined the term minimalism. Nevertheless, here is some food for thoughts for all those who want to regain their independence
at home.

Flawless decor means no obstacles
Every homeowner would tell you that a minimalist decor offers considerable advantages when it comes to keeping your interior
clean and tidy. Decluttering becomes a priority, which moves the attention to central design elements. Some might even call it a
flawless decor – see a previous article on –, in the sense that you don’t need to improve and change
elements of your decor constantly. Once it’s there, it’s good to stay for years. Minimalism has a timeless quality you can’t get
anywhere else. But, more importantly, the focus on simple shapes and elegant material opens the space for wheelchair users. A
hardwood floor gives a modern and sophisticated finish to your home, for instance.  

High-tech modernism
MInimalism in the household is built on modern technology. Indeed, when your appliances are displayed like a piece of art, they
need to be able to fulfill multiple functions. A fridge cannot be just a cool storage area. It has to be smart; by
ordering food as it’s about to run off, for instance – the order can be made through Alexa. With more and more smart tech in the
home, you can have less equipment and still maintain your comfort, assuming you get a sturdy Internet connection – you can
have a look at to find out the best solution. Voice-activated and IoT devices are not just a cool gadget; they
also emphasize usability for people with reduced mobility.

Someone who’s got your back
Smart tech is going further every day so that household AI robots are becoming a reality. For people who struggle to perform
some everyday tasks, a robot can be the ideal solution that offers the freedom and independence they seek. A robot that can
act as an active assistant and monitor your household and health requirements could replace the costly addition of mobility
equipment. They could even replace a day-to-say aid.

When it comes to encouraging mobility-friendly homes, a minimalist decor can go a long way towards independence for
wheelchair users and other individuals with reduced mobility. Less is not only beautiful, but it can be liberating too.

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