Is Your Home Giving You Sick House Syndrome?

One of the greatest public health achievements of the twentieth century was cutting the mortality from
infectious disease in western countries by about 90 percent. People living in places like London and
New York don’t get diseases like cholera anymore, thanks to better sanitation and improvements in the
quality of construction.

No doubt there have been improvements, but at the same time, new problems are emerging. One of the
most significant of these has been dubbed “sick house syndrome.” Sick house syndrome is connected
with a set of symptoms which seem to emerge from living in an unhealthy environment. Constant,
chronic exposure to toxins leads to feelings of fatigue and sometimes mental health issues.

Is your home giving you sick house syndrome? Here are some of the common signs that it might.

You Have A Humidity Problem

Ideal indoor humidity should be below 45 percent. There will be days when the humidity is higher than
this since outdoor humidity can rise to 100 percent, but most of the time you want to keep levels below
this critical threshold.

When humidity levels go about 45 percent, it can foster the growth of mold behind drywall and lead to a
host of respiratory problems, sinusitis, and damage to the nervous system. Keeping humidity levels
down, therefore, should be a priority.

One way you can bring levels down is to open windows following a shower or cooking. This will bring in
dry air from outside and allow damp air to escape. You can also buy a dehumidifier and install it in your
property to draw moisture out of the air during the day while you’re out of the house.

Your House Is Too Dusty

Most people see dust as something entirely innocuous, but the problem with dust is that it can be just
about anything from dead skin cells to toxic pollutants.

Dust also carries dust mites with it - tiny insects that can get into your nasal passage, cause irritation,
and even weaken your immune system.

The good news is that fighting dust is easier than ever before. Regular vacuuming is a must, but you
can now also attach HEPA filtering to HVAC systems, preventing your heating and cooling from
having an adverse effect on dust levels in your home.

You Own An Ultra Modern Home

One of the reasons people buy ultra modern homes is that they want the latest efficiency standards
and something that won’t require any substantial maintenance for decades.

Unfortunately, many modern homes are so well sealed that they do not allow potentially toxic air to
escape, circulating it around. Every time you spray a fabric freshener, for instance, those same
chemicals get passed through your homes air filtration system and back into the indoor environment,
exposing you to high levels of potentially dangerous substances for long periods.

Ventilating your property by opening windows regularly can help. You can also use fan vents in the
kitchen and bathroom to draw out old air and cause new air to circulate from outside.

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